Create up to 6 price levels per item GEM Retail
GEM Business
  Create up to 6 price levels per item
Assign price levels based to Customer, Dept, Catg & more    
  Assign customers or customer groups to specific price levels
  Assign a different price level at the POS (Senior price, school discount, etc)
  Assign price levels based on customer type, department, category, price range, or region
  Create price tables/matrixes that allow multiple pricing levels
Calculate selling prices using defined markup/margin based on Avg/Actual cost & FIFO    
  Set prices based on a pre-defined profit margin (Calculate price based on cost and margin)
  Calculate cost based on FIFO
  Calculate cost by averaging
Formula based price calculations    
  Formula based price calculations
Automatic promotional pricing & dicounting (time specific sales, 3 for £10, Mix & Match etc)    
  Quantity price breaks based on order quantity, item category, weight, and total price (eg 3 for £10)
  Mix and match quantity pricing with user-defined rules
  Automatically mark down or discount merchandise for a specified time
  Automatically mark down or discount merchandise based on customer, customer type, department, category, price, and region
  Set global percentage discount
  Set variable percentage discounts based on Category
Show discounts & 'You Saved' summary on Receipts GEM Retail
GEM Business
  Display discounts on invoice
  Display 'You Saved' on receipts
Supports pricing options for Pack, Weights & Fluids    
  Pack pricing (single, six pack, case, etc)
  Weights/fluids/measurements pricing (to 3 decimal places)
Create date/time sensative Contract prices for selected items per customer    
  Create date/time sensative Contract prices for selected items per customer
Load price lists/updates from a file    
  Load price lists/updates from a file


Standard Feature Included

Feature not Included    
Service Module feature Quotes Module feature Contract Pricing Module feature
Consignment Module feature Multi-Site Module feature